About Me (and the blog)

About the horse from the horse's mouth.

Professionally, my details are on the root page of this blog. Personally, I am still trying to figure myself out. I like to think of myself as a unique version of Elon Musk sans the money. I am an Indian living in the Republic of Ireland (NRI cliche). I like listening to ghazals, trance and whatever genre Prateek Kuhad is. I am huge technology enthusiast. So, you can definitely expect some technology related blogs and tutorials coming up. Apart from that, I am a big cinemaholic. I'll be posting movie reviews regularly. I have recently adopted fitness (mostly bodybuilding) as a hobby. To be honest, I am working on my body to make up for my dead personality around women that I like. I hope it gets me laid (Ha, Ha, Ha *Cries in the corner*). Apart from this, I sometimes go into full nihilist mode. You should definitely look out for some dark humour laments on this blog.

A quick tip on how to approach this blog. At the end of the title of every post, I am gonna classify the type of the blog it is. This is going to help you filter the content that you want to read and the content that you want to ignore. For example, if it is a movie review (or rather suggestion/discussion), the title will be "Blah Blah Blah [Movie]". "Blah Blah Blah" is the title of the blog and the "[Movie]" is the blog type. Interested in having a conversation? Just drop a mail at bhathijk@tcd.ie or DM on instagram (@thegreatparadox).